Our Portuguese Courses are designed to give students the confidence to communicate effectively in real-life situations.
Class size: maximum 12 students
Continual enrolment: you can enrol any time of the academic year depending on your level. Fees are adjusted according to enrolment date.
We open new groups in September / October.
Why study Portuguese at ELC?
Our location: we are based in the centre of Cascais which provides an ideal opportunity to take a coffee break with your teacher in nearby cafes!
Guided walks: we incorporate a variety of short local walks into your courses. You have the opportunity to speak with local people and learn about Cascais history.
Library books: we have a selection of graded level library books for Portuguese learners.
Parties: ELC provides every opportunity for both our foreign and Portuguese students students to get together in an enviroment that promotes communication between everyone.
Tailor-made courses: courses are planned and tailored to the objectives of each student or each group.
Facilities: an ideal place to learn languages; ELC not only has well-equiped classrooms, but also a spacious Students’ Lounge where you can study, chat, use the Internet or simply relax enjoying views of Cascais.