Maria Teixeira
So, Maria, tell me about yourself
I'm from here, from Cascais, yes I live 15 minutes from here
Which school do you go to?
Salesianos do Estoril
When did you start studying at ELC?
When I was in 7º grade, so 5 years ago. Now I’m in Advanced.
Why did you start studying here?
First of all my mum wanted me to progress in English because I was so bad and then I understood that it was important for me to have a second language and English for me it´s the most speakable language
What do you like about studying here?
I like my group, I like every teacher I had they were really nice, and I like learning because, here we're learn in a funny way - we have time to work and then we have to play and playing it's like how we learn. Gerry plays vocabulary games, it´s really nice because we get into the vocab and at the same time we play
What areas do you feel you have made most progress in?
Vocabulary, and speaking definitely
So, how do you think English is going to help you in the future?
I´m studying business so English is really important to me because of the relations with other countries
What advice would you give to people that are younger than you?
I think it's much easier if you have a good relationship with your partners and if teachers give you homework you must do your best, if you don't have a lot of work from school
Thanks so much for your time.
Thank you
老师: Gerry Aldridge
采访人: Jason Price