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In Conversation With...

Beatriz Saraiva

Beatriz Saraiva



Hello Beatriz. So, tell me about yourself; where are you from?
I’m from Portugal, I live in Cascais, I’m 14 years old. My school is António Pereira Coutinho

Great, lovely. And when did you start studying at ELC?
I think what I was 8 years old, I’m not sure.

And why did you start studying here?
Because my parents wanted and British closed and ELC opened.

So what do you like about studying here?
I like it because the classes are small so we learn more.

What areas do you feel you have made most progress in?
In vocabulary and in grammar, yes.

Great. And how do you think English will help you in the future?
in my job because English is a universal language, so…

And what advice would you have to younger students in the school?
to continue studying because it’s important for the future and I think it’s a good language.

Teacher: Nick Strutt
Interviewer: Jo Smith